Sex Therapy
Happy relationships hopefully lead to fulfilling Sex Lives, also great Sex Lives aren’t always the result of happy and connected relationships. Sex and Relationship dynamics have many and different variables occurring at any one time throughout our lives. These can range from health mental/physical, addictions, arguments, changes in family structures (births, deaths, marriages, breakups and blended families), infidelity, stress, financial and work concerns, age, cultures, religious beliefs, spiritual beliefs, technology, social media platforms and timing.
Experiencing any of these dynamics at any age or stage in our life or relationships can have an impact on how we approach sex and relationships. The enjoyment, pleasure or lack of derived at any given time due to any of the above can sometimes swing the sex/relational pendulum into contrasting and unfamiliar ground. This can then lead to mismatched and out of sync connections which may only be temporary or permanent but can put ourselves and the relationship into unfamiliar, uncomfortable and sometimes damaging dynamics that need to be addressed.
Knowledge is the first way and the best way to understand Sex, Sexual Health and Relationship dynamics. Understanding yourself and your relationship is essential. Sexual wants, needs, desires and interpersonal dynamics regarding the many and varied relationships that are available, and how you may experience these, is what I can assist you with here at Counselling4You Sydney Australia.
I am continually educating, updating and keeping in touch with the latest in current evidenced based research, technology based mediums and trends regarding Sex and Relationships for all ages, genders and sexual orientations.
If you are experiencing concern or difficulties with any sexual, relationship dynamic or sexual health matter you may find below, or any other concern/s not listed or you would just like to chat please contact me.